No, termites and the colony will not die without the queen. Yes, termite colonies do need a queen, but if the original queen dies, then the colony will simply replace her with a member of the colony who will develop…
Unfortunately killing the termite queen will not eliminate or kill the colony. Termite queens live a long, long time, however, if she is killed for some reason, the colony will simply produce a new queen from a member of the…
No, termites will attack painted wood as well as non-painted wood. There are several products that will protect wood against termite infestation. However, paint is not one of them. These products can be applied directly to untreated, unpainted, and unvarnished…
Different types of termites do damage at different rates. In addition, a conducive environment that is favorable to termites can help speed up their damage. In general, though, Formosan termites will do damage the fastest, followed by our native eastern…
This can be tricky as termites are expert hiders and live most of their lives undetected. Termites can leave behind signs that can indicate an infestation, such as wings, droppings, mud tunnels, and damage. If you suspect a termite infestation,…
Termites can do significant damage, so the structural integrity of a severally damaged home may be in question and it is best to get a professional engineer or contractor to give an opinion on damage done to structural elements. Termites…
No, termites cannot actually eat concrete. They do not have a digestive enzyme that can digest concrete. This misconception of termites eating concrete comes from the fact that soldier termites can move loose material with their mandibles, and there have…
The best way to stop termites from spreading is to perform a termite treatment. Termites are very good at survival and, short of an actual treatment that targets the workers of the colony, nothing will stop their spread. A very…
It is very rare that you will ever see or reach a queen termite. She is deep in the termite colony, producing the next generation of termites. Termite colonies have specific roles or castes, such as workers, soldiers, reproductives, etc.…
There are many different treatments and products to kill termites. The first question is: what type of termite are you targeting? Broadly speaking, termites come in two categories: subterranean or drywood. Subterranean termites are typically eliminated by using a liquid…