
Does Fumigation Kill All Termites?

Does Fumigation Kill All Termites?

A tent fumigation can be used to kill all kinds of termites, however, it is important that your pest control company performs a thorough inspection, as different termites call for different treatment methods and dosages. Insect identification is still important…
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Are Windows Left Open During Fumigation?

Are Windows Left Open During Fumigation?

This is a tricky question. Generally speaking, yes, windows are left open during a “tent” fumigation, however there is a process where tents are not used and this process is used as a “tape and seal” fumigation. During the tape…
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Can I Fumigate My House Myself?

Can I Fumigate My House Myself?

No, fumigants are a regulated pesticide, and you have to have a license to purchase these products. Furthermore, the fumigation process is quite involved and it would be dangerous if these items were used in a manner inconsistent with the…
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Is It Safe To Wear Clothes After Fumigation?

Is It Safe To Wear Clothes After Fumigation?

Yes, during the fumigation a fumigant (gas) is released into the structure. The fumigant is a pure gas and will not bond or leave a residual on your clothes or any other surface.
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How Is Fumigation Done?

How Is Fumigation Done?

In short, a fumigation is done by introducing a fumigant (gas) into the structure and holding the fumigant at high levels using “a tent” covering the structure. There are other methods that do not require a tent, known as tape…
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When Should I Fumigate My House?

When Should I Fumigate My House?

A fumigation is the best way to eradicate termites, bed bugs, old house borers and powder post beetles from a structure. No other treatment method is as effective, as the gas (fumigant) will travel everywhere within the fumigated structure.
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How Much Does It Cost To Tent A House For Cockroaches?

How Much Does It Cost To Tent A House For Cockroaches?

Tenting a house for cockroaches is similar in price to tenting for termites. Unfortunately, every house is different and the size of home, in cubic feet, makes a big difference. Your fumigator should provide a free no obligation quote.
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Does Tenting Kill German Roaches?

Does Tenting Kill German Roaches?

Yes, tenting will kill German cockroaches and all other roaches for that matter.
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How Much Does Tenting Your House Cost?

How Much Does Tenting Your House Cost?

Tenting your home depends on many factors, but primarily revolves around 3 factors. The first is what are fumigating for. Different insects require different dosage levels. The second factor is the size of the structure, measure as cubic feet. The…
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Will Tenting A House Kill Bed Bugs?

Will Tenting A House Kill Bed Bugs?

Yes, tent fumigation is commonly used as a method to treat bed bugs, however, the fumigator must use a higher dosage than is typically used for drywood termites. In addition, we often have individuals who will drop off beds or…
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