
What's the average cost of a termite inspection?

What’s the average cost of a termite inspection?

Termite inspections typically run between $100-$150 for a Wood Destroying Organism (WDO) or Wood Destroying Insect Report (WDIR), which is generally required by banks to fund a mortgage or refinance. Most companies will, however, perform complementary termite inspections without the…
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Are termite contracts worth it?

Are termite contracts worth it?

Yes, termite contracts are worth it, in my opinion. Typically, a termite protection contract will come with a valuable annual inspection by the pest control company to identify any new termite activity. Frequently, on these inspections, pest control companies will…
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Do termites come back after treatment?

Do termites come back after treatment?

Different termite treatments last different amounts of time, known as a residual. It is important to know the difference between these treatments. In addition, termite companies must be clear about the warranty that they offer, typically referred to as a…
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Is it worth getting an exterminator?

Is it worth getting an exterminator?

Yes, professional exterminators are trained at identifying and treating insects. Insects do a vast amount of damage to our health and property each year. The proper identification and treatment of these insects are important. It is very common that we…
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Why do they drill holes for termite treatment?

Why do they drill holes for termite treatment?

Subterranean liquid treatments require a complete barrier around the foundation of the home. Where there is grass or soil, a trench can be dug around the exterior wall. However, if concrete has been poured, such as pool decks, then the…
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How do you tell if you have termites in your walls?

How do you tell if you have termites in your walls?

If you suspect termites, the best thing to do is get a professional to perform an inspection. There are many different signs and termite species, and it often takes a professional to tell the difference. The good thing is that…
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Will vinegar kill termites?

Will vinegar kill termites?

Vinegar will not provide any lasting protection against termites. The question should not be, what will kill a termite, because a shoe will kill any insect. The question should be, what will "prevent" or "eradicate" a particular insect infestation, because…
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What is the fastest way to get rid of termites?

What is the fastest way to get rid of termites?

It depends on the termites. Drywood termites can quickly be eradicated by a structural fumigation. However, subterranean termites will need either a liquid or bait station treatment to combat those types of termites. Of the two treatments for subterranean, a…
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How do I kill termites in my walls?

How do I kill termites in my walls?

First, you need to determine which type of termite it is. Subterranean or Drywood, as the treatment methods are very different. For Drywood you would likely perform a structural fumigation (known as "tenting"), but local spot treatments are options as…
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What attracts termites in the house?

What attracts termites in the house?

Termites are attracted to other termites, and termites will congregate in larger numbers where they have favorable conditions, particularly food. Therefore, it is important to keep food sources such as wood and cellulose away from the home and to keep…
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