Should I be worried if I found one cockroach?

Should I be worried if I found one cockroach?

Should I be worried if I found one cockroach?

As a general rule, yes. Seeing one cockroach is more like just the tip of the iceberg. Our experience is that if you see one, then there are quite a few more, and these roaches are excellent at hiding and…
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Should I worry if I see one cockroach?

Should I worry if I see one cockroach?

It would be extremely unusual to have only one roach in a house. Where did the roach come from? Most likely, the roach had a parent and a bunch of siblings, so I would advise anyone that if they see…
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Is there ever just one roach?

Is there ever just one roach?

You have heard the saying that "there is never just one roach". This is true and applies to many insects. If you see one cockroach, you are most likely just seeing the tip of the iceberg . Cockroaches are experts…
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What is the cockroaches natural enemy?

What is the cockroaches natural enemy?

Cockroaches have several natural enemies. In Florida, cockroach predators include frogs, lizards, spiders, and sometimes mice. Although these predators will readily eat roaches, they can rarely control a population of roaches because the roaches breed so quickly and tend to…
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How do you get rid of roaches overnight?

How do you get rid of roaches overnight?

The only way to get rid of roaches overnight would be a structural fumigation. Many would consider this option overkill. However, structural fumigations or tenting are performed for cockroaches from time to time. A fumigation will eliminate absolutely all the…
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Why do I keep getting bit by mosquitoes?

Why do I keep getting bit by mosquitoes?

Mosquitoes are big pests and, in fact, technically, the most dangerous animals on the planet. Mosquitoes are a vector of very dangerous diseases such as Zika, Dengue, and Malaria, to name a few. If you are getting bit by mosquitoes,…
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What smell do roaches hate the most?

What smell do roaches hate the most?

There aren't very many smells that are known to repel cockroaches. The survival instinct of roaches is very strong, so they will do just about anything to get food and water. The best way to repel roaches is to create…
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How do you get rid of roaches once and for all?

How do you get rid of roaches once and for all?

Cockroach control will always be an ongoing battle. Roaches, like ants, are part of our environment, so whilst you can kill a population that is currently within a structure, a new population may try and invade weeks, months, or years…
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Can cockroaches survive being flushed down the toilet?

Can cockroaches survive being flushed down the toilet?

Unfortunately, this is true! Roaches have an amazing ability to hold their breath and can survive being underwater for up to 30m. Some research shows that they are less able to survive being submerged in warm water. Cockroaches need to…
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What plant repels roaches?

What plant repels roaches?

There are many people on the internet claiming that certain plants repel cockroaches or other insects. Whilst some plants may provide some repellant features, these features will not extend far beyond the plant, if at all, and therefore will not…
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